Bank accounts

The Bank product lets you retrieve bank accounts of end users. Bank accounts are associated with a connection, and a connector (a bank).

API endpoints

Authentication: endpoints listed in this page require header authentication with a user token.

List bank accounts

GET https://{domain}{userId}/accounts

Path Parameters

Query Parameters

Filtering route alias:

Get a bank account

GET https://{domain}{userId}/accounts/{accountId}

Get a single bank account by ID.

Path Parameters

Response body: BankAccount object

Bank account ressources partially support an update operation to handle activation/deactivation, or to override some display-related properties of accounts:

Update a bank account

POST https://{domain}.biapi/pro/2.0/users/{userId}/accounts/{accountId}

Update a single bank account by ID.

Request body: BankAccountUpdateRequest object

Path Parameters

Query Parameters

Response body: BankAccount object

Life cycle


Bank accounts can be in a disabled or enabled state.

For legal compliance, accounts are disabled by default. Also, disabling account will result in the deletion of account child resources (transactions, investments, market orders, balances).


Disabled accounts will only appear when passing the all parameter:

GET /users/{userId}/accounts/{id}?all
GET /users/{userId}/connections/{connectionId}/accounts/{id}?all


To enable one such account, it is necessary to perform a POST request on that account, with the all parameter and { "disabled": false }.

Please note that this action represents the PSU's consent.


Accounts fetched

An ACCOUNTS_FETCHED webhook is emitted during a sync after bank accounts have been synchronized, but before the transactions are processed.

Webhook request :

Accounts synced

An ACCOUNT_SYNCED webhook is emitted during a sync after a bank account was processed, including new transactions. Webhook request: BankAccount object with the following additional properties:

Account disabled

An ACCOUNT_DISABLED webhook is emitted after a bank account was disabled. The disabled property in the request contains the deactivation date.

Webhook request: BankAccount object

Account enabled

An ACCOUNT_ENABLED webhook is emitted after a bank account was enabled. The disabled property in the request will be null.

Webhook request: BankAccount object

Account found

An ACCOUNT_FOUND webhook is emitted after a new bank account was discovered. The account is disabled by default.

Webhook request:

Data model

BankAccountsList object

BankAccount object

Available expands

The following parameters can be used for response properties expansion:

BankAccountUsage values

Forward compatibility requirement: additional usages may be added in the future. When implementing usage handling, always fallback to a generic case for unknown values.

BankAccountOwnership values (deprecated)

Forward compatibility requirement: additional ownership values may be added in the future. When implementing ownership handling, always fallback to a generic case for unknown values.

Loan object

BankAccountUpdateRequest object

Last updated