
API endpoints

Authentication: endpoints listed in this page require header authentication with a user token.

List investments

GET https://{domain}{userId}/investments

List investments related to a user.

Path Parameters

Query Parameters

Response body: InvestmentsList object

Filtering route aliases:

Get an investment

GET https://{domain}{investmentId}

Get a single investment by ID.

Path Parameters

Response body: Investment object

Get history of an investment

GET https://{domain}{investmentId}/history

Get history of a single investment by ID.

Path Parameters

Data model

InvestmentsList object

Investment object

InvestmentDetails object

FinanceSecurityType values

Forward compatibility requirement: additional values may be added in the future. When implementing ID matching, always fallback to a generic case for unknown ids.

InvestmentHistoryValuesList object

InvestmentHistoryValue object

Last updated