Multiple teams

You could like to have several Workspace to meet your organizational needs and to have different teams working on different projects but also to manage several levels of billing.

Create a new workspace

As easy as the creation of an Organization:

  • Go to your homepage

  • Click on Add Workspace

  • Choose the name of your Workspace and validate it. We recommend using a professional name as it’s the one we are going to use to edit your invoices.

Manage roles in the Workspace

There are 3 different roles:

  • Admin: Membres with the Admin role have access to all domains in the Workspace. They can therefore perform the following actions: add/edit/delete

  • Developer: Members with the Developer role have access to the entire domains of the Workspaces. They can do everything on a domain except Access server keys and delete/deactivate a domain.

  • Reader: Members with the Reader role have access to the entire domains of the Workspace but they can’t add/edit/delete and read the server keys page

Join an existing Workspace

To join an existing Workspace, you need to ask an admin from that Workspace to add you as a member. Then you will receive an email with a link to join. You’ll be prompted to sign in with your email and be placed into the Workspace with the role associated with the invitation.

Invite someone to a Workspace

We bet that you will never walk alone! For that reason, you’ll want to bring other people into your Workspace. Here is how you can invite people to join your Workspace:

  • Go to your homepage

  • Click on your Organization

  • Go to the Members section

  • Go to the Workspace tab

  • Click on Invite a member

  • Choose the right role

  • Ask him to check his mail and validate the inscription on the Console

Rename a Workspace

Delete a Workspace

When you no longer need your Workspace, you can delete it. Before that, you need to remove all the domains and users that are inside it. This option is only available for Workspaces administrators.

Last updated

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