Demo institution and test connectors
The Demo Institution and the Test connector have been developed to help you easily discover the capabilities of our products and the various scenarios of our Webview.
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The Demo Institution and the Test connector have been developed to help you easily discover the capabilities of our products and the various scenarios of our Webview.
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Create an account on the Console
Create a client application
Click on Webview
Click on "Test Bank" or "Test Wealth" or "Test Trust" depending on what you want to test
Open the Webview and accept the TOS
Use the searcher to find them
You can test the addition of a new connection on the “Demo Institution” using the or by creating an account on the Console and open your own client application flow
The “Demo Institution” (also called “Institution de démonstration”) is a new institution that is specifically designed for demos. Similarly to the “Test connector”, it returns fake data for the Bank, Wealth, Bill & Trust products, but does not trigger any errors (wrongpass, website unavailable, etc.). It is therefore not suited for API integration but provides an easy way to understand the workflow of our technical solutions.
The “Usecase” field is used to select your usecase of interest: depending on your target audience, you may want to display only personal bank accounts, only professional bank accounts, wealth accounts, loans, or all these accounts at once.
The “Password” field is just there to look like an actual institution, but you can enter anything you want, it will not be verified and will never trigger any wrongpass.
2 personal checking accounts + 2 personal deferred cards + transactions for all these accounts
2 professional checking accounts + 2 professional deferred cards + transactions for all these accounts
1 Loan + 1 Mortgage + 1 Consumer credit + 1 Revolving credit + transactions for all these accounts
1 Savings + 1 Deposit + 1 Life insurance + 1 Market account + 1 PEE + 1 PERCO + 1 Article 83 + 1 RSP + 1 PEA + 1 Capitalisation + 1 PERP + 1 Madelin + 1 PER + 1 Real Estate + 1 Crowdlending + transactions for all these accounts + investments for all these accounts + pockets for all the employee savings accounts + market orders for the market account and the PEA
All data from the “bank” usecase + all data from the “loans” usecase
All data from the “bank” usecase + all data from the “wealth” usecase
All data from the “bank” usecase + all data from the “loans” usecase + all data from the “wealth” usecase
Only the first checking account from “bank” with complete Account Check information with an account holder and a co-holder.
Only the first checking account from “bank” but without any transactions. Designed to push transactions manually and test the Advisory product.
One subscription with 5 downloadable documents (Powens bills from January 2023 to May 2023).
One subscription with 1 downloadable document (the most recent from the “bill” usecase) that can be used as proof of address.
One subscription with 3 downloadable documents (Bank statements from April 2023 to June 2023).
The test connector provides some use cases that will happen in production when trying to connect to real banks or providers.
It could be used to help customer developers integrate our API or just for testing.
To reproduce real behaviors that normally happen at discontinuous times, we implemented an additional parameter to force some situations. This parameter is called 'website' and will only be found on the test connector.
Select a scenario you would like to test
Fill in
: Test
: 1234
In some cases, you won't have to fill in any Login or Password and will be automatically redirected to a fake bank interface. In that case, just continue the flow.
Simulate a connection that will require an end user action. So the synchronisation process is stopped until the connection state changes. And on this test connector, the connection state is only changeable updating the 'website' paramater.
Simulate a connection with SCA in which case an OTP will be asked.
Simulate a connection with SCA in which case a validation has been asked to the end user but was not approved a few seconds later.
Simulate a connection with a SCA and in that case, a notification validation will be “asked” and the validation will not be exipred few seconds later.
Simulate a connection as if a bug occurred in Powens information system.
Simulate a connection that will need two distincts OTP.
Simulate a connection with SCA and in that case, a notification validation will be “asked” and the validation will be accepted few minutes later.
Simulate the connection state 'notSupported' that sometimes happen for some banks or providers that use specific authentication feature.
Simulate a connection that requires an OTP to perform a transfer (only for directaccess or fallback source).
Simulate a connection with an expired password.
Simulate a connection with a required decoupled SCA which is triggered by a background synchronization.
Simulate a connection with a required OTP SCA which is triggered by a background synchronization.
Simulate a connection with SCA and in that case, a notification validation will be “asked” and the validation will be accepted a few seconds later.
Simulate a connection on which a synchronization resulted in requiring authorization via the bank/provider interface.
Simulate a connection with a website unavailable error on the bank.
Simulate a connection with an invalid password.