Set up your Powens Console account

Powens Console is the graphical interface of our API. You can create a domain, a client application, and access all the useful analytics to enhance your users' experience.

Create your Console Account

To get started, you only need to sign up for a Console account. Once that's done, you'll receive an email asking you to verify your account. Just click on it to confirm your account and log in to the Console.

Create your Organization

An organization will help you manage and invite several users, handle permissions, and invoicing efficiently.

Let's do that with the tap of a finger! Here is the information to fill in to create your first organization:

  • Company name

  • Company size

  • Country

  • Activity area

Follow our step-by-step onboarding

Once your organization is created, it will be time for you to follow our step-by-step onboarding to make the most of our Console.

1 - Create your first domain

A domain is an environment that you can use for testing purposes (sandbox) or to connect with end-users (production). By default, it's not possible to create a production environment. To do so, you need to sign a contract and request access through your customer success manager. To begin experimenting with our product, you can create a Sandbox domain (limited to 50 connections), then proceed to create a client application and connect by using our demo connector.

2 - Configure your app

The client application is the interface made available to our partners, allowing their users to add and configure their accounts (such as bank accounts, life insurance, asset accounts, billing) in a secure manner. Create and customize your client application to ensure a seamless transition from your service to our interface. Please consult our Webview UX guide to make the best configuration choices for your specific use case. Once this application is in production, you'll receive a Webview performance dashboard to track its conversion rate.

To create your first app, you only need to know two things:



This is how you want to name your application; it won't be visible to the end user.

Redirect URIs

This is the URL where your end user will be redirected at the end of the aggregation flow.

If you don't have any redirect URIs at the moment, you can provide any URL to test our Webview first. If you want to proceed with deeper integration, you'll need your developer's assistance to provide them with the Client ID, and Client secret, and let them define the Redirect URIs.

3 - Select your connectors

Navigate to the product section that interests you, and click on "Activate" for each connector you want to allow your end users to connect their accounts with. If you want to activate all of them, please click on "Activate all."

4 - Configure webhooks

If you are stuck at this step, you can always create a placeholder webhook to proceed to the next step and ask your developer to check it later.

Webhooks allow you to receive data asynchronously. These data will be received in JSON format on the URLs you provided in the console. To configure a Webhook:

1. Add an email in order to receive webhook-related alerts.

2. Choose a type of Webhook in the left column. For more details on the different types of Webhooks, visit our documentation.

3. Fill in the URL that will receive and process the Webhook in your application.

5 - Test your setup

It's time to test your integration and launch the Webview! You can use your own bank credentials to test the flow. Once you've synchronized your account, you'll return to the Console and see the API's results displayed as JSON.

If you prefer not to use your own credentials, you can utilize the demo connector.

Last updated