Webview performance
Use Webview Performance table to track how your Powens integration performs and to make data-driven decisions.
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Use Webview Performance table to track how your Powens integration performs and to make data-driven decisions.
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This dashboard contains data only if you are using our Webview to initiate and manage connexion.
With your Conversion Rate Dashboard, you'll gain valuable insights into the success of your flow. By monitoring and analyzing conversion rates, you'll be able to pinpoint areas of opportunity for improving user experience and functionality. These data-driven decisions will lead to optimized performance and ultimately result in improved financial outcomes.
Log in to the Console
Go to the Webview performance tab of the dashboard section
Webview access
The number of journeys initiated on the Webview.
Connector Selected
The number of journeys where an authentication flow has been initiated.
The number of journeys that have at least synchronized one account.
Global conversion rate
The ratio of journeys where at least one account has been synchronized to the total number of journeys where an initiation flow has been started.
Global completion rate
The ratio of journeys with at least one synchronized account to the total number of journeys where a bank authentication flow has been initiated.
Completion rate per connector
The ratio of journeys with at least one synchronized account on Connector X to the total number of journeys where a bank authentication flow has been initiated on Connector X.
It is automatically set as the default option, indicating that the dashboard is not utilizing any filters.
Client application
It provides you with the ability to independently assess the conversion rate of your client applications.
It offers the option to filter the Webview performance dashboard based on the device used, whether mobile or desktop.
Date range
There are no limitations; the data fetched from the Webview is deleted when the domain is removed.