
1/ Filter connectors by country

Choose to filter the connectors displayed in the Webview based on their country of origin.

  • No filter: The Webview will show every connector

  • User country: This is an automated option based on the user browser country

  • All countries: The Webview will display this icon 🌎 aside from the research bar. By clicking on it the user will be able to select his country in order

  • Country selection : You can pre-select a country for your user. They still will be able to change at any time.

Display or do not display the 8 most frequently used connectors by your PSU at the top of the Webview.

3/ QR code

By enabling this option, after selecting a connector, your end user will be able to scan a QR code for mobile authentication using Face ID or Touch ID or code Pin. This way, the user don't have to remember their credentials. A CTA under the QRcode, will still allow the user to continue its journey on desktop if needed (no bank app installed on his phone for example).

Recommended setting to improve conversion rate for B2C client

Last updated